A clear meant-to-be union of two artistic talents have taken place to create the journey that “Metamora” embarks the listener on. The track has an audible essence that can connect communities and cross-cultures, sharing something easy to soak in while colliding the styles of both Apollo XO and Tanner Dixon. Many different elements have come into play for “Metamora,” to climb to the caliber that we hear now.
Apollo XO has made a name for himself in the city of Chicago where he resides. He’s even performed alongside names such as DJ Snake, Diplo, Kaskade. Putting his skills to the test, the solo electronic artist has been pouring more time into the studio and coming out with more heavy-hitters than ever before. “Metamora,” looks to be his final single of the year, but it can be safely assumed that more will come in 2022 as Apollo XO continues his rise.
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