World-renowned duo Showtek return to headlines with their latest triumphant release ‘What Is Love.’ Featuring vocals from Theresa Rex, best known for her work on Martin Jensen’s mega-hit ‘Solo Dance’, Showtek’s production offers an uplifting dance instrumental while Rex’s lyrics paint a picture a shade darker. ‘What Is Love’ is available on all streaming platforms now via Universal Music.
‘What is love without someone to love ya?’ Theresa Rex’s lyrics provide the focal point of Showtek’s newest single, exploring themes of unrequited love and relationship struggles. The resonating vocals were created by Canadian singer/songwriter Jessie Reyez. However, the production of ‘What is Love’ sharply juxtaposes the somber topic. After opening with a light synth line, the chorus blossoms into an exuberant dance affair complete with a brightly synopacted bass rhythm and an immediately catchy top melody. Capped off by Rex’s soaring vocals, ‘What Is Love’ is an earworm that combines broad pop appeal with modern club sensibilities, grounded in classic dance production while harnessing a forward-thinking sound.
out for the world to hear. Working with Showtek has been so easy, I feel like we had the same vision for the song and I hope it shines through.”