B’Elle El Mundo Baila – ‘El Mundo Baila’ which translates to English as ‘The World Dances’ is perhaps exactly the ethosthe world needs to hear and adopt at this time! Through this brilliant debut single, B’Elle emitsan energy which demands the coming together of people as a community and to be as one inthe celebration of life; and B’Elle’s one true love, House Music.
A soaring, carefree slice of pure house joy, ‘El Mundo Baila’ provides an infectious groove withthe beaming vocals of Emy Perez throughout. Isabelle Horen (a.k.a B’Elle) imagined the song tolife with talented Spanish Producer Julio Navas. With a collection of evenings reminiscing aboutthe White Isle (Ibiza) and speaking of their passions for House Music andits culture, ‘El MundoBaila’ was born.
Through what has been a troubling time for everyone, B’Elle’s ‘El Mundo Baila’ serves as aglimmer of light at the end of the tunnel that represents unity and togetherness; the values that underpin House Music!