MasterClass & Deadmau5 – MasterClass, the education platform, today announced that iconic electronic music producer Joel Thomas Zimmerman, also known as deadmau5, joins its roster of instructors to teach his MasterClass on electronic music production.
Deadmau5 has changed modern electronic music with his unique synths, melodies and beats. A six-time Grammy nominee, Deadmau5 has sold millions of albums, including Billboard Top 50 Dance songs, the platinum-certified ‘Ghosts ‘n Stuff,’ ‘The Veldt‘ and ‘Faxing Berlin.’ His live shows have sold out major arenas worldwide. His approach is experimentation, not divine inspiration. On December 2, Deadmau5 will release his new album, W:/2016ALBUM/.
Pre-enrollment for the Class Opens Today Here
In his MasterClass, Joel brings students into his home studio for an unabashed and unfiltered lesson into how he makes his powerful sounds. He delves into his experimental approach, shares his project files and teaches his approach to making melodies, mixing and mastering. Joel will walk students through his entire process for making his music from beginning to end, teaching students how to make their own sounds they’d never find in a cookie cutter sample pack.
“Kids, DJs…anyone can compose music with just a computer,” says Joel. “My MasterClass is a no bullshit look into what it takes to make great music, and it’s not just buying millions of dollars worth of gear. I’m going to show my students how to play with sounds and mix melodies they can share with the world. I’ve never done something at this depth before.”
MasterClass was created to give anyone the ability to gain the wisdom and knowledge of the world’s best creators. The online education platform offers “access to genius” through affordable, engaging and inspirational online courses curated by world class instructors. Through the platform, instructors create engaging online classes with interactive assignments, course materials, student community and Q&A that creates a uniquely powerful educational experience. All classes are available online for individual purchase for $90 each at
MasterClass’ current roster of instructors includes Christina Aguilera (singing), Kevin Spacey (acting), Usher (performance), Serena Williams (tennis), James Patterson (writing), Dustin Hoffman (acting), Aaron Sorkin (screenwriting), Werner Herzog (filmmaking) and Reba McEntire (country music).
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