I first heard about TuneBoost about a 2 weeks ago. So, I signed up with my SoundCloud account and decided to set up a follow to download gate. It was by far the easiest setup process for a download gate I have ever seen. It took me 5 minutes to create an account and setup my first gateway. I simply entered in my SoundCloud track URL, uploaded an mp3 of my song and pasted in my Facebook and Twitter links. Once my information was submitted, TuneBoost generated a link to paste inside the ‘buy link’ for my soundcloud track. TuneBoost is by far the easiest follow to download service I have ever worked with. I would highly recommended this service to anyone who uses lots of different social media platforms to promote their music. On top of that, when you use TuneBoost your track could be reposted to their soundcloud network with over 250,000 listeners.
TuneBoost is a free gateway service for Producers, Record Labels and Music Networks who use Soundcloud, Facebook and YouTube. With TuneBoost, you can grow your fan base with unlimited follow to download gateways. In addition, you can have your fans follow you on up to ten different channels. What makes TuneBoost unique is it features free promotion to up to 250,000 SoundCloud listeners across its many networks.
Why TuneBoost ?
- 100% FREE Gate-Way Service
- SoundCloud Follow, Like, Repost & Comment to Download Feature
- Boost up to 14 SoundCloud Channels
- YouTube Subscribe to Download Feature
- Facebook Like to Download Feature
- Twitter Follow to Download Feature
Get 100% FREE Promotion up to 230000 SoundCloud listeners